Core Aeration

Core Aeration is a professional lawn care service that focuses on improving the health and vitality of your grass. By using a specialized machine, we create small holes in the soil, allowing for better absorption of water, nutrients, and oxygen. This process helps to break up compacted soil, reduce thatch buildup, and promote stronger root growth. With my Core Aeration service, you can expect a greener, healthier lawn that is better equipped to withstand environmental stressors and pests.

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Dethatching is a professional service that helps restore the health and appearance of lawns by removing excess thatch. Thatch is a layer of dead grass, leaves, and other organic matter that can build up on the surface of the soil over time. When it becomes too thick, it can prevent water, nutrients, and air from reaching the roots of your turfgrass. Our dethatching service utilizes specialized equipment to carefully remove this layer and promote better grassroots development.

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Overseeding is a proven technique used by lawn care professionals to revive and restore tired, patchy, or lackluster lawns. By spreading a new layer of grass seeds over your existing lawn, overseeding promotes healthy grass growth, improves the overall density of your lawn, and helps to fill in any bare or thin spots. This service is particularly beneficial for lawns that have been damaged by harsh weather, pests, or excessive foot traffic. With overseeding, you can enjoy a fuller, greener, and more beautiful lawn that will enhance the curb appeal of your property.

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Starter Fertilizer/Moss Killer Application

Starter fertilizer is needed after overseeding to ensure root development and absorption of water and nutrients. Moss killer....kills moss! I use Ferrous Sulfate which is basically 20% Iron (Fe).